The Women's Health Big Book of 15-Minute WorkoutsA Leaner, Sexier, Healthier You--In 15 Minutes a Day!【電子書籍】[ Selene Yeager ]

<p>Time is every woman's most precious commodityーand a lack of it is the number one reason, in survey after survey, that women give for why they don't exercise. But research now shows that as little as 15 minutes of resistance training is just as effective in spiking one's metabolism as a workout lasting more than twice as long. All it takes is 15 minutes to achieve lifelong resultsーand women are more likely to stick to an exercise plan if it's chopped down to those 15 minutes.</p> <p><em>The Women's Health Big Book of 15-Minute Workouts</em> is both an introduction to the fundamentals of short workouts and a comprehensive collection of hundreds of the most effective ones. These workouts have been designed for every fitness goal, from total body conditioning to targeting trouble spots with exercises like the 15 Minute Flat-Belly-without-a-Single-Crunch Workout. Other highlights include:</p> <p>- an eating plan with delicious meals that take 15 minutes or less to prepare<br /> - workouts for when you're stuck in traffic or traveling and can't make it to the gym<br /> - hundreds of tips from America's best trainers, nutritionists, and exercise scientists</p>画面が切り替わりますので、しばらくお待ち下さい。


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